The human here.
I really did want to revive this blog. I really did want for my Dragons to have a place to share their thoughts and views. Lately, though, they've been angry with me for not writing enough, and also, I just don't have time to sit down and take dictation for blogs written by supposedly mythical creatures.
I'm not deleting this blog. Everything that has been written will remain on the interwebz for people to view. The wisdom and rants my Dragon-Muses have already shared will not disappear. And who knows, one day they might be inspired to share again. And they might convince me to type it up for them.
But right now I have too many other things going on, including an idea for a new "real" blog that I'm starting to dream up. I can't have four blogs going on at the same time. One of them needed to go.
So, for now, my Dragon-Muses are signing off. But don't worry...they'll still be around, Musing me and stuff.