Sunday, October 3, 2010

Technological Magic (by Tai Makarios)

Wow. I'm writing a blog! This is awesome. I mean, look at how amazing the whole concept of blogging really is. We can type on a keyboard and words automatically appear on this apparently magical thing called a screen and with the click of a button that ONLY EXISTS on that magical screen, I can send my words onto the internet to be seen by practically anyone in the world.

My human can get a text or phone call to her cellular phone wherever she is (except for her actual apartment, for there is aparently some sort of cellular phone signal devouring beast that lives here. Jerry and I are in the process of tracking it. He seems to think tickling is the best way to make it leave, but so far we haven't been able to find it in order to tickle it.). How awesome is that? To be able to talk to another person through an apparently magical box? My human frequently speaks with her family who lives hundreds of miles away on her cell phone. She can hear what they're saying AS THEY SPEAK, and they can hear her (unless that phone signal devouring beast intercepts her voice). How ridiculous and wonderful is THAT?

And if my human gets REALLY bored and decides she doesn't want to write (we don't let her get away with that too often), she can put something called a movie into her television machine and watch something that was recorded years ago as if it were just taking place. She can even take videos of herself or of her friends and family (but not her Dragons, because we don't like our movements to be recorded--it's a Dragon thing, you wouldn't understand) that she can view years later. It's amazing.

In the olden days (I know, because I'm a Dragon and was alive then), if something happened, people actually had to travel over distances to deliver the news. Now, my human can turn on her magical television or magical radio or magical computer and see/hear the news almost as soon as it happens.

Yet I've noticed that even with all this magic, humans are impatient. My human has gotten irritated with her phone (Blasted signal devouring beast! We shall find you and tickle you until you relent!) because she get a signal to make a call or because the person she's talking to can't hear her. I have had to gently remind her that she shouldn't even be able to talk to her family who lives hundreds of miles away. It's a magical technological blessing that she can communicate with them over the phone or computer.

And if the magical electricity goes out because of a storm, WHOA, it's like the world is ending. No more computer! No more flashy television machine! No more LIGHTS! OH NO! How do humans function without magical lights?! When the sun went down in the olden days, people used candles--or they actually went to bed b/c guess what! God made dark time for sleeping!

Anyway, I'm finding that humans are ridiculous creatures. They're also quite amusing and wonderful. But I'm just so amazed at this particular moment in time to have nearly completed my first blog. And now I'm about to click the magical button on my screen by moving a cursor by touching a track pad.

Seriously...this is so cool. You humans act like it's nothing. Here it!

1 comment:

  1. Tai, you are so cute. Sara and I are so glad that you found us so that we could give you to your human.

    Welcome to the world of technology. Your human has expressed to me that she needs help with not being on Facebook as much, so you may want to help her with that. ;)
