Friday, October 1, 2010

Near Death Experiences are FUN! (By Jerund M Frazier)

Okay, so Bion doesn't think it's fair that I get to post AGAIN, but "Mom" gave me permission because I was such a good Dragon-Muse today. She offered Pneuman the option of posting since he was a good Dragon-Muse, too. He passed. His day was slightly more traumatic than mine.

Pneuman and I went with Mom to her place of work. It's a strange place with short humans who make a lot of strange noises, run around randomly, and just generally smell funny. I liked it immediately. Pneuman burrowed down into his bubblewrap lined sack muttering about how "Fair Ruth" AKA "Mom" STILL hadn't gotten him a foam-lined titanium traveling case. I stuck my nose out of the duffel bag she carried me in and tried to capture the attention of one of the short humans.

But Mom wouldn't let me out yet. She insisted on gathering the short humans around to go on an imaginary Dragon quest. It was a little annoying, if you ask me, but the kids got all excited when the imaginary Dragon started chasing them. And then...THEN she told the short humans to come meet me. She opened the bag, reached her hand in, and pretended I was eating her arm off. The short humans laughed, and so did I. Then...then....THEN she pulled me out of the bag.

Something wonderful and terrifying and fantabulous happened then. All 25 or so of the short humans MOBBED Mom and me. Mom started screaming, "You can pet Jerry once and then sit back down!" while I laughed and laughed and laughed and let all the short humans put their little fingers all over me. It was the scariest and most wonderful thing to have ever happened to me.

At snack time, Mom took Pneuman out to show the short humans. One of them almost broke him, which was pretty much hilarious. Pneuman got back in his bag and muttered to himself until Mom took us home.

Okay, so Pneuman let a FEW of the short humans pet him. And he purred. But don't tell him I told you that.

I hope Mom takes me to work again. I LIKE SHORT HUMANS!


  1. Jerry, you can go back at any time. Some of those short humans LOVED having you lick them with your red tongue. And your human's friend thought it was hilarious to watch all those short humans mob her. She would probably note that I did not help her, but I laughed.

  2. Jerry wanted me to tell you that he likes you, Stefanie.
