Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ice Dragons, the Naughty Corner, and Cabin Fever (by Tai)

Most Dragons hate ice. Usually, the only exceptions are Ice Dragons, and they're weird anyway. I mean, I like almost everyone, but Ice Dragons have issues. They prefer the cold. They breathe ice instead of fire. They don't get along anyone. They even get into arguments amongst themselves. When the arguments become physical altercations, then there's always trouble.

Sometimes Jerry goes too far and calls Bion an Ice Dragon, and then he has to go sit in the Naughty Corner. My human invented the Naughty Corner right after she got back from her Christmas travels. Bion went with her, and so Jerry didn't have him to pick on for a whole week. His shenanigans increased upon Bion's return. So the human put him in the Naughty Corner. Jerry sat there and made up songs about pudding. I don't think he got the point, but at least it kept him from tormenting poor Bion.

Anyway, the weather where my human lives is particularly cold and icy at the moment. My human has said that it's not usually this snowy or icy during the winter here. I've explained to her that it's because the Ice Dragons are fighting each other. Now most Ice Dragons keep permanent residence in the parts of the world where it's always cold. The problem is, there are too many Ice Dragons for this to be practical. They fight for territory and someone always loses. Therefore, many of the Ice Dragons who have lost their homes have become nomadic, journeying from place to place--wherever it is cold enough for them to comfortably live. Most of the time, they travel to a wintry place and keep to themselves until spring. But if an Ice Dragon meets another Ice Dragon in that wintry place, there is likely to be an argument. This winter, there are a lot of Ice Dragons trying to off each other with their icy blasts. Of course, Ice Dragons are impervious to other Ice Dragon's icy blasts, so all they really accomplish is making everything else icy and snowy. So if you're stuck inside due to the ice storms, blame the Ice Dragons.

My human actually had to venture out into the cold to go to work. If it weren't so cold, I think I would have begged her to take me with her. But it's cold, and I don't really want to risk meeting an Ice Dragon out there. So I was stuck here, making sure Jerry didn't bother Bion too much.

Pneuman seems lost in his own thoughts these days. He's sulking a little, but I really don't blame him. My human has not been responding to his inspiration these days. She's kind of had a "brain cloud" the past few weeks. She hasn't written much, and even getting her to write what little she has written has just been ridiculous. Work has kept her busy, but it's more than just that. She's just got a "brain cloud."

And so since all of us Dragons are stuck inside without any writing to inspire, we're actually pretty bored. I don't blame Jerry for getting sent to the Naughty Corner so much. He's bored! So what do Dragons do when they have cabin fever? Well, they watch "Joe Vs. the Volcano" and learn about "brain clouds." They play hide and seek, which almost always ends with Jerry hiding under our human's pillow and screaming "OH, TOOTH FAIRY! I'M A LITTLE LOST TOOTH! COME TRADE ME OUT FOR A QUARTER!" They play Clue. I like to be Professor Plum. Pneuman (when he will play with us) likes to be Mr. Green. Jerry is always Colonel Mustard, because he likes to pronounce Colonel "Col-on-el." Bion always gets stuck being Miss Scarlet.

In other words, spring can't come soon enough. Blasted Ice Dragons, go sit in the Naughty Corner.

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