Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Importance of the Physical

Right now, my writer is taking a break. I'm a very bored Dragon Muse. While she's not writing, I'm not truly musing. I'm still Dragoning. I can't very well stop Dragoning.

My writer is reading some C. S. Lewis right now, and she was kind enough to let me sit on her tummy while reading. It was a pleasant time for both of us, even if I wasn't busy inspiring her. While I've been with my writer for some time, my physical presence has only been with her for a few days. I've realized how important the physical actually is.

While Dragons don't feel this as deeply as humans, I think that both of our kind has a strong desire for something they can feel and touch. While it is not necessary for humankind or Dragonkind to have something we can feel and touch, it is very much wanted.

In the time I have known my writer, I realize she draws great comfort and connection from calling her family on the telephone. She lives far away from them. It would take her ten hours in a car, a few hours in an airplane, or a good half hour on a Dragon flight to see them. Since it is not practical for her to fly with me (what would the neighbors think?), she is not able to visit her family as often as she would like. The phone call is comforting, but it is not what she wants. She wants to be able to physically be with her family. She wants her mother's embrace. She wants to be able to tickle her nieces and nephew. She wants to arm wrestle her brother. While she is with her family, she savors their physical presence. That's how people, and Dragons, were made.

So while I have mentally and emotionally been my writer's muse for several years, my physical Dragon form has not been with her. I've found that our connection has deepened in the past few days since I have been physically present with her. There is something soothing about being with her, and not just a voice inside her head.

But on a side note, I hope she finishes this writing break soon. I want to get back to musing and not just Dragoning.

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